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The Rise & Rise Of The Popularity Of React Native

    App developers face a great dilemma every time they begin work on...

Hussain Fakhruddin April 18, 2019

Native Apps vs Hybrid Apps - Which Of These Offer Greater Advantages?

  Total revenues from the global mobile app market is set to touch $190...

Hussain Fakhruddin July 24, 2018

How To Tackle App Fatigue? Here Are Some Answers

We are at the fag end of 2017, and the global app ecosystem has...

Hussain Fakhruddin December 27, 2017

Java vs Kotlin: Which Programming Language Is Better For Android Developers?

  At this year's Google I/O, Kotlin - the statically-typed language from JetBrains -...

Hussain Fakhruddin October 31, 2017

AppBoard Tuesday - App Designing Blunders You Should Be Wary Of

You know how all good things in life are attained after tough struggles? Well,...

Hussain Fakhruddin September 23, 2014